Which sim is your mortal enemy? I'll go first.

My hatred for Bernice began in a let's play I started recording. My Sim got the "hey you don't me but let's date text." Fucking Bernice shows up full blown pregnant and I checked with mccc and saw that she was married so I quickly declined. Ever since she would literally show up EVERYWHERE my sim went and would get mad and fight with her if she was on a date or anywhere with her boyfriend. Now in every save she's there, everywhere I go. Seriously fuck Bernice stepping out on your husband while pregnant.

My hatred for Bernice began in a let's play I started recording. My Sim got the "hey you don't me but let's date text." Fucking Bernice shows up full blown pregnant and I checked with mccc and saw that she was married so I quickly declined. Ever since she would literally show up EVERYWHERE my sim went and would get mad and fight with her if she was on a date or anywhere with her boyfriend. Now in every save she's there, everywhere I go. Seriously fuck Bernice stepping out on your husband while pregnant.