Going into private practice at the wrong time

I took the leap and went into a group practice and realized I hated it…right now. I thought it was the right move career wise. I’m fully licensed, I feel like I’m a pretty good therapist and I could work with clients who align with my approach. But life outside of therapy got complicated.

I have a lot of debt. The last few years, I got myself into some minor financial trouble but it’s led to me having some personal loans to payoff. My now husband makes okay money, but not enough to manage both of our debts comfortably. We’ve done so much work to become financially literate and have a solid plan to payoff our debt in a year. But this plan cannot happen on the unknown of private practice pay.

When the opportunity to join a group practice came up, I was sold a bill of goods. Talk of incredible take home pay, a solid caseload ready to go, and support. None of that happened. I’ve invested so much money (that I don’t have) in building a business for someone else.

Sure, I could go into practice for myself and make more money. But I honestly don’t want to. I miss having variety at work. I miss having steady pay and benefits. I miss being a part of a team that isn’t just focused on money and building a business. I honestly don’t care about building a business right now. I’m just trying to survive.

I want to go on vacations with my husband and our dogs. I want to go to concerts. I want to go out to a nice restaurant. All of those things haven’t been possible lately because we’re not bringing in any extra money. I’m pouring everything into my clients to have nothing left for me.

I don’t know why I decided to write this here. I guess just to get it off my chest.

If you read all this, thank you. ❤️