I have a request and I'm willing to pay

If someone knows how unreal engine (or whatever engine the finals is based on) works, and can make me a config to get as much fps as possible regardless of how the game looks (just don't make it too blurry if possible) I'm willing to pay for it.

I've noticed my main problem in improving in this game is my fps, in game i have around 90 fps when just spawned, then around 70 when buildings start falling, then under 60 when enemies are in front of me, lowest I've seen is 40 fps. I have a 144hz monitor, so you can imagine it's very annoying to play like this, i literally can't even slightly reach my refresh rate.

my specs are: gtx 1660 super / ryzen 5 2600

I have all settings on low, taau on like 70 or 80 normally, when using nvidia sharpening i use taau 50 or 60, but there's not much difference really.

I've watched all youtube guides and everything posted here on the subreddit, done everything i could, still can't get enough fps. I know my components are very old, but sadly as of now, i just can't upgrade them, so i need this config.

If anyone wants to put the effort in tinkering with the config and making one that actually helps a lot, as i said in the title I'm willing to pay (paypal only tho). I won't fool you tho, i will say upfront that i can give between 5 to 10 euros max, that's literally all i have on my paypal right now, so i can't give more. If i see a small but noticeable improvement, I'll give 5, if i see a big improvement, i will give all 10.