TF2's matchmaking is starting to seriously piss me off.
I have been on a 13 losing streak because it's either:
- I join a losing lobby and get rolled by stacks and invite players.
- I join a team, we start to win, and I get autobalanced.
I am so goddamn tired of this matchmaking. It is the absolute worst feature this game has ever seen, bar none. Nothing comes close to this travesty of an update. Why, in the absolute hell did Valve think "Oh, teams are unbalanced, let's flip ONE person. Let's NOT scramble the WHOLE of BOTH teams for a better outcome."
This is the kind of nonsense that seriously makes me want to drop this game. I've been playing since 2010 and I've never felt so insulted in my life to think that this game feels I can carry a bunch of fresh installs against a team of literally competitive players on a regular basis. I can't even have fun.
And the best part? I'm stationed in Korea so my options for community servers? Trade, Jump, and MGE. It is literally impossible to find a community server for me that isn't putting me in at least 190 ping. I am so exhausted of patience for this.