I kinda relased something

Both of my relsionships have been with people who are secretive and not telling me when jm doing something right or wrong and they are too shy and when they don't tell me their problems they build up to the point they break up with me and the problems they pointed out after dating me they could all be solved by just talking to me for example im being too clingy around them just ask me to leave you alone for abit or i am doing something they don't like just ask me to stop doing it and it sucks snice they were both great and there was nothing i could do im dumb so I can't recognize alot of stuff so make it obvious what you want or just tell me and whenever you feel stressed just tell me whats wrong we can talk and i won't judge you and I have said this to them like 100s of them and then they still don't tell me anything it kinda makes me mad tbh and so right now i will be taking a break form dating girls and going to guys instead i can understand guys abit easyer snice i am one and we are more basic snd simple and we just say what we think and they are more accepting of clinglyness witch is overaffction and they are more willing to spill whats happening in their lives tell me what do you think