My grandma and aunt
For context I am 15 m and I am austistic my grandma and aunt are starting to worry me snice I have not been going to school snice i have been feeling so bad and they say well go to school I sjt up and cook and clean the house and i am 63 why can't you do the same and when i try to explain how I am emotionally feeling about them and how they are acting they get defensive and yell at me to shut up and slam the counters and at that point i stop talking to them snice they are acting childish and they are considering me snice the punishments were taking my phone ok then it was my other phone ok then its my computer and thats worrying me snice I don't know if they mess up something and then oh my computers very important wire is broken and it costs too much to replace so i am without a computer and honestly even if I feel so bad that I walk around the house like a zombie thats about to fall I want to go to my school so hopefully my counselors can make a intervention for my grandma and make her release there has to be give and take and for her to go to therapy and to not let your emotions over boil so easliy what do you think