[Tales of Berseria] Combat feels off, anyone got suggestion to help with this?
I've played Arise and Zestriria but they didn't feel weird to play like Beseria does. Maybe I just don't remember well since it was couple of years ago that I played them.
My only problem really is the camera and how the dodge works. When I try to play with controller the camera feels really slow and clanky and when I switch to KB&M it's going to fast, idk if the game house mouse acceleration on. I haven't made it far into the game only fought a couple of boars and configured some key bindings. But for the life of I couldn't find any setting to make camera speed slower of faster.
Also the dodge annoys me. As someone who likes to randomly make micro adjustments while fighting it annoys me every time I slightly click the WASD keys I dodge. Is there any way to disable this and just have a dedicated button for it?
So yeah can any body tell me if I just missed the setting to change these things I complained about?