Best sounding flagship
$5000 burning a flagship hole in my pocket. So many good synths around this price range. PB12, 3rd Wave, Muse, SuperUDOs, Prophet, OB-X8, Stage4. I owned and loved my sub37 for almost 10 years, but I think I’m ready for a polysynth. Coming into it I was sure I wanted a Muse. After doing some research I’m not so sure anymore. Not because the Muse doesn’t sound amazing, it does; but because the alternative options are so good. After months of listening to these online, I think I’ve gone insane and I’m set on a UDO synth S8 or SG simply because they sound better to my ears than the others. But the Supers are clearly not the better equipped, most affordable, or versatile of the bunch. Is anyone willing to try to reason with me? Or are these that good and I’ve not gone insane?