AITA for not paddling after a stranger’s board? Also, GFY you aggro POS at Tourmo…
I’m a shit surfer (learned in my 30s) but usually pretty good about etiquette in the water. Today at Tourmo I ran into an aggro POS. I’m getting my ass kicked on the water today and finally paddling to shore out of breath when a turquoise board rides solo in the whitewater probably 20’ to my left. I think about paddling to it before it hits some rocks on the beach but honestly didn’t have it in me so decided if they felt they were too good for a leash I guess they’ll learn a hard lesson. So I hear from behind me “you’re a piece of shit” and turn around caught off guard. This dude paddles after what I assume is his friends board and proceeds to talk shit, telling me to “go inside” and this is why I’m “not a part of the community”. So after my shock wears off I start jawing back at the guy calling him an asshole, flipping him the bird, and telling him to go fuck himself. Honesty thought we were going to fight for a sec but he paddled back into the water, acting like I was the one walking away. I’m already in my head about a shit sesh and this guy berates me for not using my last energy to save someone’s board from a small ding they honestly probably deserved. If protecting a stranger’s property from their own bad decisions is part of the surfing community then I don’t want to be a part of it anyway. So AITA? Even if I am, and this dude with the yellow board sees this post, DM me so we can have words and settle it.