How To Defeat Someone With The Power of Super Intelligence ?

Before you go commenting I'd like to clarify that the person in question doesn't only have super intelligence but also has a high level of spatial manipulation as well ( not God tier ) thus it's not like as if he is helpless if the only way to survive is to punch really hard or something

This question isn't about his other powers but specifically about Super Intelligence

Some of what this version of super intelligence can do :

  • Run parallel simulations with the data available ( the simulations increase in number to compensate for the lack of data )

  • Enhance Senses ( extreme level like sometimes even upto an atomic scale perception )

  • Super fast thinking ( think a month's worth in a few seconds )

  • AI assistance ( has assigned a separate persona to the mind to have easy communication of sorts and better data processing )

The problem I am running into is that he is an integral character but at some point I have to kill him off but I am having a hard time giving him an equal fight with the other characters like how do you come up with something if he has already taken your actions into account

P.S. - The story is still being written so if you guys have any suggestions for drawbacks or even limitations feel free to mention that as well Thx 😊