best secondary role for a mid?

mid being my main role, i'm trying to decide what would be a good secondary role.

i'm deciding between top/adc/jungle.

from the research i've done, jungle seems to be the most macro intensive one.

generally speaking i prefer mechanical/micro play, though of course, for every single role, and certainly including the mid role, macro skill is required.

thus while i'm not necessarily against playing jungle, it seems that for a secondary role, it's probably not an ideal pick, since i would more likely, end up having two primary roles, rather than a main primary one and one secondary one (because of the amount of effort required, to get good at jungle).

i like both assassins and mage mid champs, it seems like top is more like assassins, adc is more like mages.

top however, is more matchup dependent, while adc isn't as much, thus adc might be better (since top lane would require a lot of knowledge, regarding matchup, essentially, going back to the same problem as jungle, too much knowledge required, for it to be a secondary role for me).

however adc isn't a solo lane, and i really like the solo lane aspect of mid lane.

the issue with adc is, that you depend a lot on a good jungler and a good support, while the issue with top lane is that you're on an island (thus very isolated, and won't be bailed out by your team if you lose lane), can get ganked, and bad matchups can be very frustrating, so i don't really see an obvious pick to go with.

thinking about the issues with adc and top, i almost want to pick jungle, since it's the most self reliant, however also, as previously mentioned, the knowledge required would be an issue for one, also i don't know if the champs would fit me quite as well, from what i understand, mechanically you could express yourself best with mid/top/adc champs.

mechanically expressing myself, outplaying opponents, doing flashy plays, and overall improving my mechanics, is the main thing i enjoy about league, thus top and adc might be better for that.

so being left without a clear answer, what advice could you give me?