Feel like giving up on NYC

I feel dumb for even trying here after so many people said it was terrible, but I’ve worked at sapphire for about 3 nights and tonight from 6-1 making nothing, 1 night between 12-2:30 no money, and once 6-4 520 which tbh I wasn’t too happy with& 1 night at hoops making $1200 which tbh was hoping for more like 2-3k nightly average in NYC. I’m trying to go where I can make that because I’m used to averaging close to 1k every night in Jersey and have to book a hotel and take a train just to come out here. Any advice on if I should give up on NY? I feel like I need a home club out here in my area but that I’m limiting my earnings by staying in Jersey. Should I just only travel dance in other cities besides NY? Help. Dancing has been my full time income for years so I need something.