Is it normal to get NOTHING done when you're focused on getting sober?

Basically I'm wondering if it's normal to take a break from life when you first stop using alcohol, so you can put all your focus on Not Drinking and get through the worst of it. I am on day four without alcohol, my longest stretch in more than two years. I'm sleeping poorly, feeling anxious, and constantly wanting to drink. The only way I've been able to deal with these feelings, and stop myself from drinking, is by packing my days with things that make me feel better, and avoiding stressful triggers. Being home by myself is my "danger zone" for drinking, so I've been doings things outside the house - sobriety meetings, walking my dog, birdwatching, dance classes, volunteering at the school library.

While I'm glad to not be drinking, I feel anxious about all the things I'm not getting done right now. Like, how is it OK for me to be out birdwatching when I need to be looking for a new job? I have a million house maintenance issues, phone calls, appointments, etc that need attention. But if I try to sit down at my computer and deal with that stuff, I get overwhelmed with anxiety and just want to drink.

I tell myself that maybe after the first week or so without alcohol, the bad feelings will ease up and I'll be better able to tackle the hard stuff. But is that true, or am I just being irresponsible and avoiding reality? I mean sure it's easy to abstain from drinking when you're letting yourself have fun all day. Will it really be easier to cope with stress & be productive once the alcohol is out of my system?