I’ve been here before. But not like this.
I had 8 years sober. I contributed to this group. Dinosaur group.
But this past April my wife was 37 weeks pregnant and we ended up in the ER because she was displaying odd symptoms.
Dr ordered a CT and discovered a mass on her cerebellum. She was admitted. This was a Saturday. She was induced on Monday, gave birth to our son on Tuesday.
She received an MRI and surgery was required immediately. The baby was discharged to me. And the surgery was successful. We were told the tumour was a meningioma - slow growing, nothing immediate to worry about we’d just have to have regular screenings.
The next two months were good until my wife said to me the headaches were back. We went back to the ER and another CT scan. We saw the neurosurgeon two days later and the he said the tumour had grown larger than when she first presented. Another surgery was required immediately. At the follow up we were told this time “it’s a high grade mesenchymal tumour” and he’s never seen one like this before.
Radiation oncologist visited us bedside and recommend a plan of 30 rounds of radiation therapy.
We saw a medical oncologist and she wanted to use immunotherapy but in our small city that has never been used on a brain tumour before.
My wife did everything they asked while I was home with the baby. I had support of family and friends and when I didn’t have the baby I leaned on alcohol.
I spent nights with her in hospital and snuck in alcohol because that’s what I know. That’s how I used to deal with emotional issues.
She died in my arms last Friday night. The baby was safe with a family member. I hit the booze hard while keeping it away from those gathered at my house.
We had the funeral and at the reception after the funeral I drank heavily in front of family and friends and blacked out. Apparently I said things about how I wished I was dead. About how it should have been me dead and not my wife.
I’m currently on day 4 in a recovery facility. Most of the detox has run its course - the tremors, the hallucinations, the sweats.
And now the grief will kick in.
My point in sharing is that to me my emotions take over and when this are overwhelming I reach for a bottle because that’s what I know.
Please be careful out there.
Detox was hard the first time years ago and just as difficult this time.
I have a beautiful 6 month old boy to care for alone after this and to say I’m terrified is an understatement.
Life changes abruptly.
Hold the ones dear to you close.
Thanks for reading
Edit: my biggest regret is instead of staying sober and being strong for those around me who were grieving too I chose to drink and be selfish. Because drinking was the only way I knew how to handle MY emotions.