Scared and tired of thinking through this (OCD and BPD)

Hello everyone,

Some background before I get into it: I am affected by multiple mental health conditions (ex. BPD and OCD.) I am in the middle of deciding on sterilization. Unfortunately, I believe these two conditions are preventing me from actually making a decision.

I am in my early twenties. Ever since I was a senior in high school, I’ve known I wasn’t crazy about kids. I actually took a class on major life stones and pregnancy was one of them and i immediately noped out of that. Growing up, I just assumed that’s what people did. They got married, had kids, and continued the cycle. However…I’m not so sure I wanna do that.

I’ve been playing with the idea of sterilization via bislap for a few years now. I am not scared of surgery. I am scared of regret.

Now, I should say I am seeing a therapist and we have discussed these issues before. My OCD has latched onto my lack of control in the current political climate. I am scared that I will not have control of my body in the coming years. I would say this is a large part of my problem. I feel that my fear is valid, but also I do not want it to override my senses. I completely understand that getting a bisalp should be done with a clear mind.

In a perfect world, I would not have to even consider a bisalp at this stage in my life. However, with new bills being introduced each day that could directly affect birth control and women’s rights, I feel the urge to call ever growing. I’m already approved for surgery…they just need to get me scheduled.

I have many reasons for wanting a bisalp. My genetics are insanely bad (heart disease, severe mental illness leading to suicides, etc.), the world seems to be crumbling down around us (politics, global warming, etc), and the fact that I don’t like the idea of pregnancy! I may not even marry someone who can give me a child. I would also like a healthy sex life where I am not plagued by the idea that I may be pregnant even after using protection.

I look into the future and I don’t see biological children. I don’t have that goal or even that “gut feeling” that it’s somewhere I want to end up. I don’t really even like kids that much. Sure, they can be cute, but those small moments seem to be few and far between. I can’t…justify that. Having a kid for a few precious moments.

However, during Christmas, I was around family and found myself feeling joy that I was with my family. We actually enjoyed each other and had fun! It’s what I wanted my future to look like…but I don’t really want kids. I’d much rather have grandkids than children, which is kinda silly.

I’m chalking this up to sentimental value and a love for community and fond memories. However, it completely flipped how I felt about sterilization (which brings in the BPD and black and white thinking.) I felt way less inclined to go forward with surgery because my brain flipped so fast. I’m so sick of debating this every day. I wish I was born sterile.

In summary: I’m debating the surgery. 95% pro surgery and 5% wait and see. Being held back by the permanence/potential for regret which could be linked back to OCD. Also held back due to BPD and massive switches in how I think about it. Wanting to go forward for positive life changes and potential for wayyy less anxiety in multiple areas of life.

If anyone is in a similar boat/has this conditions or good insights, please let me know. I’m really struggling.