I feel its a good thing that Star Fleet pretends to be one hundred percent ethical, because the existence of Thomas Riker proves they're sitting on a potential dooms day device.
I'm reminded of one of my favorite episodes of the Amelia Project podcast, where Granville T Woods asks the brotherhood of the Phoenix to fake his death, having accidentally created a duplicate device instead of a transporter as intended, knowing full well how the military would use it to send an almost infinite amount of soldiers into battle.
And if they were to recreate the Double Riker Transporter accident, it'd be the same thing, get one loyal Starfleet officer who'd agree to the process, and you'd have a near infinite amount of duplicates of the same soldier with the exact same combat skills.
Obviously though, due to how ethically questionable and dominating the strategy could be, they most likely either never considered the idea, or refused to perfect the concept to keep up the Federation's guise as a completely benevolent power in the Alpha Quadrant.
Either way, it also makes me think about other potential dooms day devices they could've made based on previous accidental discoveries.