my coworkers don’t like me
I’m a newer partner and started about 6 months ago, but everyone at my store has been with Starbucks for much longer. I’ve noticed that all of my coworkers are a close-knit group and get along pretty well. The problem is, they often leave me out of their discussions or make inside jokes around me. One time, they were talking about something regarding our old ASM over the headset, and then said “Oh I forgot (my name) was on the headset” and everyone stopped talking. Additionally, many partners will just sit around and talk but when I try to join the conversation they tell me to make myself busy or do some preps. I never really know what’s going on in the store and if something happens I’m either the last person to find out or no one ever tells me and I overhear it. Apparently, theres some shit going down at my store and no one will tell me what it is but everyone will ask me vague questions to see if I know something about it. I get it’s just a job and we’re not here to make friends, but it’s difficult not to feel left out. It’s especially frustrating when I’m on bar and I need ice or preps and don’t have the time to grab them, but everyone is just standing around talking and won’t listen. There are many other small examples I could list off, but to summarize people just don’t seem to acknowledge or like me. It’s like I’m invisible.