If you were in the Solo Leveling universe, awakened as a hunter, and could choose what class to be, what would you pick?
Ranger, Assassin, Tank, Fighter, Healer, and Mage.
The usual 6 types a hunter awakens as, what would you pick if you had the freedom to choose your class? What abilities would you have? Also for your Rank, if you have a 6 sided dice just roll that (1-E 2-D 3-C 4-B 5-A 6-S)
I rolled 6 times, one for each Rank: (not in Order of roll, just lowest to highest)
Fighter- E Rank. Well I'm not becoming a hunter, E ranks already can't make a living as a hunter and the fighter type is the worst for me.
Tank- D Rank. I'm very durable but have a low pain tolerance.... yeah again, just not being a hunter. Even if I was an association Hunter I couldn't take the fear of being so close to death.
Mage- C Rank. Okay now we're getting places. I got Fireballs! Elemental magic! Light magic! However, it's clear mages can learn multiple spells and awaken with specialty. So my choice is completely in Telekinesis magic. Now is it very strong? No. However, it's still very useful. If I couldn't choose Telekinesis then probably either fire or Restraining magic. At this Rank I feel I'd definitely consider being a hunter, or at least probably be an association hunter. Like Joohee I couldn't handle very high ranking dungeons.
Ranger- B Rank. Now we're at the Rank I'd definitely become a hunter at. The money would be too tempting. As a Ranger I got range! I get to keep my distance! But my choice of ability? Aim assist. It does as the name implies and essentially heavily assists my aim, giving me a scope in my vision and locking on to my target. (Note: This doesn't guarantee a hit, just increases the chances, the arrows can still be dodged if noticed).
For the last two, my dice fell of the table both times so I made two for each because I had an idea for both A and S Ranks.
Assassin- A Rank, I got Stealth! That skull is the obvious one. But what unique ability do I have? Well what's another thing that's associated with Assassin's? Ninjas. I have ninjutsu skills! Obviously nothing OP. Like the shadow clones (of which I could only make a couple) are weaker than me for example.
Healer- A Rank. Regeneration of limbs is the tier the A Rank can do. So what did I choose for the ability. Something every raid party would want. An AoE heal that Heals allies only! My skill is I can do mass AoE Heals and Buffs or throw them like grenades and heal a small zone.
Assassin- S Rank. Now, for this, the combat and speed power of me would actually be on the low end for the S Rank, Maybe not the bottom but on the low end. What's my ability? I have one ability. True Presence Concealment. No Aura leak, no trace, nothing. It's like I never existed. The drawback being it's effective decreases when I want to attack. The intent to attack could have an affect where Jinwoo tracked Kang via bloodlust. But if I'm just observing, I can't be found. The perfect spy or info gatherer with a recorder.
Healer- S Rank. I got angel wings! I'd have a transformation type ability like Baek. But instead it's an angel. For the middle form I get the wings, blue/golden eyes, and a Halo. In this form I'm faster and can heal. In the full form I transform and gain Holy knight armor with wings. (Google PDL armor from Overlord for an idea and just picture wings on the back). Now the drawbacks? Well, the combat power is only between A and S, I could beat a lower ranking A Rank Boss but not much stronger. 2nd is I can't heal with the armor on and my flight is a bit slower. Basically middle form is for Healing and speed. Full angel if I need to protect myself.
If you can't tell I put a lot of thought into it. (I was bored and excited for the next episode tomorrow)