Dale Carnegie and others said that if we show interest in others, they will take a liking to us. I'm finding the opposite to be true.

There are a few people in my world that I can get along with well, but I find that I cannot really connect to the vast majority of people around me. This is easy to see at my workplace, where I can connect with a handful of people - in other departments - but in my own department I feel like I have trouble connecting with others. And it's not from a lack of trying on my end.

Dale Carnegie wrote in How to Win Friends and Influence People that if we want to connect with people, we need to "be genuinely interested" in them. He talked about the need to listen and ask people questions, instead of talking about ourselves. Get them to talk about themselves, because people love to talk about themselves. That made total sense to me, so I went about trying to do that at work.

It does not work.

There are people at work that will simply not talk about themselves with me, no matter what I do. For example, one guy has an immaculately clean desk. My desk is not nearly as organized, and I was interested in how he keeps his desk so clean. So I asked him questions. "Your desk is awesome! What kind of strategy do you use to keep your desk so neat?" "What led you to keep all of your folders in that drawer instead of on the bookshelf, and use the bookshelf for pictures instead?" "What does this color tag system mean right here?" I figured that he would be happy to talk about something that he finds important, but instead I would get cold looks and responses, such as, "Oh, you noticed that... hmmm, interesting." Or, "What do you think is the purpose of my color tag system?" It was as if I offended him. Okay, I thought, maybe he does not like to talk about his neat desk. However, the same guy will voluntarily talk all day about his desk to others around him. He will start a conversation to talk about his pictures, but if I ask about him, the conversation is curt.

And it's not just him. Other people in my office are similar. If I ask about how their weekend was, I get a, "It was alright." But the same person will talk all day about what happened with their buddies. If I ask for an idea on a project, they respond, "You are really good at this. You can do what you want." However, those same people will sit down and brainstorm with each other ideas for each other's projects.

I'm not really sure what I am doing wrong here. People at work generally seem to say that I am a nice guy and a hard worker, but there seem to be barriers in getting to know them more, and even Dale Carnegie's strategy did not work. I'm beginning to feel that I'm just not a good fit in the office, even when I try to show interest in others.

Anyway, do you all think I did something wrong here with Carnegie's strategy?

EDIT: Thank you to everyone who replied, and there were some really good comments! I realize that this is not a general problem with me, but a problem related specifically to my current workplace situation. Due to a lot of turnover over the years, I found myself in an office with people I had trouble connecting with, when I didn’t have that problem with the people that were there before. Desperate to get things “back to normal,” I sought out and probably misused Dale Carnegie’s advice. The problem, then, is not with Carnegie’s advice. (Interestingly enough, I have made plenty of friends without Carnegie!)