Help me save a terrible business social media

Hello experts

I recently assumed a job position as the social media specialist for a small zoo. We are an official accredited zoo with a handful of interesting projects. I have a photo/video background so producing quality content is not the hard part. I need help because the social media I run feels "stuck". The account has just over 10k on instagram. The person before me created pretty terrible content that was usually trends that stopped being trends a week prior. The feed itself looks terrible and unorganized. The reels are lucky to get 2k views. We average 150 likes and 4 comments a post. You would think an active account with 10k followers would get more than that. The problem is that the majority of our following is from big giveaways done throughout the year and not because our content is interesting (it is not). How do you go about "reviving" this instagram page? We have 10k followers but it feels like we have 700. Obviously, it is very easy to measure the social media guy's performance so I would like to do a good job. Do you have any ideas beyond "create better content"?