Lars Battle-Born, the saddest character in the game.
For literally the first time since the game came out, I interacted with this little kid. All I knew of him was hearing him say, "It's no fun getting picked on all the time!". Today, he runs up to me and asks me to make him invisible. I started looking into his dialogue on uesp, and holy shit, this kid has it rough! He's getting beat up by a horrendous bully of a little girl named Braith, she's taking his lunch money, taunting him that he won't hit her back because she's a girl, the other kids are making fun of him for getting beat up by a girl, his parents aren't doing jack shit about it, Braith's parents obviously don't give two shits about their brat beating up other kids in town, and the poor little dude just wants you to make him invisible! Jesus Christ, this kid is showing classing signs of abuse! He just wants to be where no one can see him or bother him, so he can actually have some fun for once! I'm gonna have to do something about this Braith bitch's parents!