what routines have you developed as you have lived simply?

and i don’t mean routines for optimal living, but feel free to share anything.

I used to be really disciplined to the point of exhaustion, but my routines were strict and I also omitted all sources of joy bc that would be undisciplined of me.

now i’m finding gradual routines develop themselves. whenever i force a routine now it doesn’t work. but i found that when i like to do something or look forward to it a repetition happens naturally. like watching my one kdrama episode at 7pm. it’s not like a thing i do to live optimally.

but on a self improvement note waking up early feels nice bc when i wake up past 9 it’s so bright and noisy and i always feel dread. waking up when everyone is asleep is a nice thing especially as someone who used to wake up early for the sake of “discipline”, now it’s for the sake of quiet before the storm.