Hero dose with terminally ill brother

Hi guys

So… my brother is on his deathbed. Testicular cancer spread throughout. His body has 3 weeks to shut down but could have a bleed out at any moment.

He wants to do a journey with me tonight at the hospital. Any advice?

I’m quite experienced with psychedelics and he’s had it once - didn’t feel it much. I’m confident being present to him on the journey.


I’ll reply to you all soon! It’s now morning here in Sydney and I’m decompressing. My brother took about 7/7.5g and I did about 6/6,5g All I have to say right now is that it was deep work. I held space for Alex, my brother, as much as I could. I didn’t quite anticipate the depth of where the mushrooms would take me. I need to decompress. It was fucking hard work.

I’m proud of myself. And I’m happy Alex did not have a bad trip.

He’s 32m, I’m 29m for the record.

EDIT TWO - 19/01

I’ll write to you all soon, I’m sorry for the delay. Alex passed away on 17/01. It was peaceful when the morphine kicked in as his body bleed out due to bad bone marrow. I’ll be with you shortly, I promise.