Walmart water stations are NOT RO/DI...

Updated So I wanted to post since I've recommended Walmart's refill water stations in the past, fully believing that it was RO since it SAYS its RO, however, I tested it out of the jug (API master kit) and the pH was 7.8 (!?) And Hardness 11 dH.... so I did some digging and the Web says they add mineral back in AFTER the RO treatment 🤦‍♀️. Curious to know if anyone else has this issue or if my Walmart's water station is just crazy. Test your RO folks!

Update: I'm in full sleuth-mode y'all - I have 4 walmarts within 30 min of my house. No one can convince me the Walmart water that inspired this post isn't weird with how hard and basic it is, BUT to prove my stance, I went to a different Walmart and stuck a test strip under the stream (for science!) And what do I find?! The water was a perfect 0-3 dH and a nice 6.8 pH. So! We find that some Walmart stations are busted and they are probably just selling tap water, or there is some wild variation to how those machines are calibrated. As previously stated, Test your RO folks!