My [24M] roommate [26M] and his girlfriend [20F] have no social awareness or don’t care
I’m not sure if this is the right subreddit but basically my roommate and his girlfriend make me feel uncomfortable inside my own living space.
I live in this house that I share with my roommate. We both rent this house from a lady. I moved in 2 months ago and signed a 1 year lease. My roommate was already living here before I moved in. We did not know each other prior to moving into this house. My roommate is cool and everything. We get along and go out together sometimes, but when his girlfriend comes over it’s a problem.
My roommate girlfriend act like they’re in a high school relationship. As soon as she walks into the house they’re touching each other. Like they don’t even wait to leave the public area. In the kitchen she’s laid up on the counter where WE EAT. If I walk into the living room and they’re watching TV sharing a blanket I’ve interrupted. I don’t know if they’re just sex addicts or if this is what true love is. I’m loose sleep at night now, because our bedrooms share a wall. The sounds I hear are more dramatic than most adult films. Moaning, slapping, hitting the bed. The final straw that made me ask for help was his girlfriend walking around our house with what I hope to god was lotion on her face. His girlfriend also tried to convince me walking around the house without clothes on was normal behavior.
I have a girlfriend, but the difference is that we don’t inconvenience others to express our love. My girlfriend doesn’t like coming over, because of how uncomfortable my roommate and his girlfriend make her feel. The conflict I have is I have 10 months left on my lease, and that means I have to live with my roommate for that amount of time. If I confront him and have a conversation about how his relationship is affecting me it might ruin the housemate dynamic. I’ve already tried to give him hints about my discomfort, but he seems completely oblivious. My girlfriend has offered me to stay with her free of rent, but on principle if I’m paying rent I want to live there.