Making new friends

Hello there reddit. I (23m) am going through a process of healing from a breakup. I know I have changed, not into a bad person, but maybe a bit less extrovert or happy person. But sometimes I feel like Im really alone, I did not invest enough time on some friendships.

Recently I feel a bit lonely and I know that’s ok, I’m learning to be alone.

Currently Im studying at college and working (shift work, so I have different shifts every week). And I have little time to spend with my friends and sometimes we don’t even get to coincide (I dont know if this word is correct, im spanish and I lack a bit of vocabulary) with them.

I feel like I really want to have social plans and, like Im the one that haves to be asking to go out for a walk, take a beer or a coffee.

Then, the thought of wanting to meet new people comes to my head and I dont know where to start. I cannot be in college as much as I want and also people in my work are way older than me.

I dont know what to do (sometimes I feel a bit desperate about this). I guess I really want to make new friends, I feel like lots of the ones I have right now are pretty busy or they will leave the city this summer.

Sometimes I feel like it’s better if I leave too.