Visions of Mana OST Feels "Serviceable" / Subdued

I've been a long-time Mana fan. I recently finished Visions of Mana, and part of my Mana experience is reflecting on the OST. I'm sure, like most Mana fans, Legend of Mana OST is one of the all-time greats, and Secret of Mana and Trials of Mana usually follow close behind.

I couldn't help but think that Visions of Mana's OST felt "Serviceable," "Budget," and "Ordinary." The music did fine in the context of the game, but I don't really remember any tunes that I would want to actively look up and listen to outside the game.

I wondered if it was because Square is taking a more "budget" approach to the series. If you look at past titles such as Secret of Mana and Trials of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 3), they were the cream of the crop on the SNES. Even Legend of Mana was seen as a prime game with how PlayStation and Square combined this with Chrono Cross for its "Summer of Adventure" campaign.

I wondered if Square's business approach of "this is a budget game, make it serviceable" before development began, hindered the team's drive. With Seiken Densetsu 3, it just felt like the team was really reaching for the stars and creating something special gameplay-wise, graphically, and musically.

I did think Visions was a very pretty game to look at, and its graphics did not feel "budget," so maybe the OST just did not resonate with me and had nothing to do with the budget.

I used to be stoked for Square music, but it seems to have fallen by the wayside in games that aren't triple AAA, such as Star Ocean: The Divine Force, Valkyrie Elysium, and now Visions.