Landlord Issues

I feel like I have had multiple issues with my landlord and I’m trying to see if I’m being sensitive or if there’s actually a problem. To summarize: - When I signed my lease there was a rule saying to remove wet/dirty footwear. Since moving in I received a few phone calls stating that I have not been removing my dry, clean, shoes. When stating that’s not what the lease says, they replied that there’s a sign in the lobby that states otherwise. Whatever, I begin to remove my shoes EVERY TIME. - Made a comment about me bringing someone into the apartment building late at night (my significant other lol) and how they don’t like strangers accessing the building. - Provided a notice to enter with two dates on it. The first date was a wrong date and they entered days earlier than expected. When texted about it, they stated the date they put on their notice would have been impossible. When they sent a reminder notice about the second date, the first date was corrected to the date they actually entered my apartment. - Gives either no notice or less than 24h notice for snow removal, then calls me repeatedly until I come move my vehicle, two out of three times I have not been home, then continues to message asking for an exact time that I will be. - Sent me a text message accusing me of leaving the building door open when I was not in the province. - Continuously texts me to call him, when I don’t respond fast enough he texts me again, and when I respond saying I am at work and don’t have time, says he needs to talk to me ASAP, saying “if I have time to text I have time to call”. The matter is never urgent and often accusing me of breaking building rules that he has no proof of.

I have sent him messages asking him to please respect my time and communicate non urgent matters in writing or via text, he always circles back and makes more accusatory comments and says I’m being defensive.

Am I being unreasonable? What do I do?