Quest Locks
This might be an unpopular opinion but it’s mine. Jagex needs to STOP LOCKING ITEMS,ABILITIES,AREAS, BOSSES etc behind quest (s). More precisely an entire story line of quests for no reason. If you want people to engage in your game make content that people want to play. It’s supposed to be an open world game but you’re locking important items behind quests and they are literally the worst part of the game for me. I don’t care about the story line or anything and it’s just constantly teleporting around the world for no reason. Please find another way to introduce new content into the game because questing isn’t for every (me) but you’re forcing me to have to do them so I can do the things I want to do. It’s really turned me off playing the game multiple times because I know that when I log in I have to do quests in order to progress and do the stuff I want to do and I have limited time to play and I don’t want that time to be spent doing some that makes me actively hate the game.