Are there actually people who don’t think that Dupont is the best player in the world/all time?
I see a lot of stuff about saying Dupont is overrated, but I’m just wondering does anyone actually think that or is it a vocal minority. To me it just seems like he is literally playing a different game, he’s not only the best at the things he’s meant to be good at, he doesn’t have a weakness, no player even comes close to him in terms of pure ability and talent. What are the arguments against him, because from what I’ve seen of him I can’t think of one (other than he doesn’t play for my team, but then again it would be difficult seeing him in the claret and blue of the mighty Rotherham Titans). I’m not trying to start an argument here either I’m just interested about seeing the other perspectives.
Edit: I’m not asking if you think he’s the best, I more want to know why if you think he isn’t. Because I can’t wrap my head around him being anything less than being Christ reborn.