My 19F boyfriend 22M didn’t care about me fainting

I have iron deficiency, and get all the symptoms that come with that. I’ve passed out twice before, at school and home alone. All evening I’ve been experiencing longer dizziness than usual and was being extra careful. I went into the bathroom and he was right outside the bathroom. Long story short I stood up to fast and fainted, hurting my back and neck. I’m not sure how long I was out for but when I came to, it took me about 15 minutes to be able to stand I was banging on the bathroom door and called his name a couple times for help getting up but he didn’t hear me because he was watching a show(without headphones). I came out and he didn’t say anything seeing me nearly tumble over. I told him I fell and passed out and he said “Damn”. I told him I felt light headed, nauseous and my back hurts and he just said “sorry” all while still focusing on his show. Am I overthinking it? Maybe he was tired because it was late?