APC PNS - 5 years 8 months

This was my first pair of selvedge denim. I’ve had them since June 2019, and I really didn’t know what I was doing at the time. I knew I just wanted “nicer” denim than my Gap jeans.

I’ve learned a lot since then, buying pairs of Iron Hearts all the way to Naked and Famous. Even with all those other pairs, I still wore the hell out my APCs… until I got a hole in the crotch (this was maybe a year and a half ago). I shelved them and wore all the other pairs.

Even while wearing all the other pairs, I still caught the APCs in the corner of my eye, but I was just being lazy in getting them repaired. Well I finally got them repaired and ready to wear the hell out of them some more.

Countless number of wears. Maybe 8 or 9 soaks in the tub. Zero machine washes. Still my best faded jeans by far to date.

I’ve added photos from when I originally got them, before I hemmed them. The newer photos are from just today when I picked them up from repair.

Fade on. 👊