The Rangers went 8-3-3 in January. However, the 4/6 losses were blown games one way or another, the remaining 2 losses were beatdowns.
1/4 v WSH: 7-4 Reg. Loss
1/7 v DAL: 5-4 OT Loss | Blew 3-0 lead | 4-4 Tying goal surrendered < 3m left in the 3rd
1/14 v COL: 3-2 OT Loss | 2-2 Tying goal surrendered < 2m left left in the 3rd
1/19 v MTL: 5-4 OT Loss | Never trailed the entire game, couldn't hold a lead
1/26 v COL: 5-4 Reg Loss | GWG surrendered with 15 seconds left in the 3rd
1/28 v CAR: 4-0 Reg Loss | Ass-whooping, horrible defense