Federal websites going dark. We need help archiving.
Ooookay so it seems that this was a little overblown, but it's still concerning to those inside who work with and for marginalized communities. Several websites went down that government workers relied on, but werent public accesable, and data has been scrubbed regarding race, lgbtqa and woman's health. HIV data is inaccessible as well according to some. They are trying to erase us, so keep your voices loud and proud and remind them you're here to stay.
I'll try to vet any calls to action better in the future, if that is something that is welcome here.
End of edit.
Hey gals, guys, and neither or both, I just got word from someone inside one of the public health departments in the fed gov, that all federal websites are going dark at 5pm, guessing eastern time. We need help archiving data to protect it from the fascists.
Please download every report you can find regarding woman's health, trans health, racial disparities, and documents like the constitution and the bill of rights.
Getting websites in the wayback machine should help too, but it's not perfect.
Stand and Resist!