Need reassurance after carrier results

I thought I was in the clear after receiving my NIPT results but it seems I was wrong. The NIPT results all came back negative and that baby boy is healthy. Today (2 weeks after my NIPT) results, I got my carrier screening back and it said I was a carrier for SLOS (Smith-Lemli-Opitz). No one in my family that we know of has it so we were shocked to find out I was a carrier. My husband is getting his bloodwork done tomorrow to be tested but we know results take about a month to come back. From what I understand we both need to be carriers of it for it to be passed down in a way that impacts baby. Even though people say it’s a rare disorder and odds of us both having it are slim, I’m not feeling hopeful. I feel like you only hear about people receiving negative results on the NIPT and the carrier screen, I’m hoping to hear others normalize being carriers of things. What were your outcomes? How did you get through the month of waiting for more results?