Myriad Experiences - NIPT Testing
I’m looking to hear back from anyone who has utilized myriad for their NIPT testing. How fast did your results come back? I got my blood tested on the 7th, they received it on the 8th, and started testing it on the 8th or 9th I believe. It has my window for getting results back is between the 17th- 21st. I’m really hoping it’s the 17th! It has made it passed testing, lab review, and has been in the clinical review for the past day and a half. Is this normal? I’ve seen post from months ago about people calling them to get the results but I’m scared I will come off too needy and impatient since the window hasn’t hasn’t passed (tomorrow would be the 17th). Has anyone called before and what was it like? Also, is the gender results hidden when they send you the email or should I wait to read the lab reports until after we do a gender reveal?