Implantation Cramps

Looking for real life experiences with implantation cramps. I’m 8 days past ovulation and over the last 3-4 days I’ve had uterus cramping right in the center like crazy. It’s not too severe but pretty uncomfortable and seems to hit the most when I’m laying down or going to bed. I’ve tried googling it and it says could be implantation cramps but they said that those should only last a day or two. Since it’s only a little over a week past ovulation it’s too early to take a pregnancy test. I’ve never been pregnant and I never cramp with periods so it’s hard tell if this uncomfort level is normal or not since I don’t know what mental cramps even feel like. It’s also too early for PMS. Does anyone have any experience in implantation cramps lasting longer than a couple days? Or advice and how to handle the uncomfort? It feels tender so the idea of putting pressure on it hurts.