Cleft Lift - Aesthetic Changes?

I was approved by Immerman’s center for a cleft lift based purely on recent history (diagnosed with one after it drained on its own Oct 2024) and reported discomfort/pain that varies day by day. They said there were no visible abnormalities in any of the close-ups I submitted.

I just need to know, and my image hunt online isn’t very helpful. How drastic a change to my butt in appearance should I be expecting?

The scar is more or less unimportant to me. I have poor self esteem, but my butt is like, the one thing about my body I’ve always been pretty proud of (I’m a female).

My pit is incredibly small, almost invisible. I shower daily and use hyaluronic skin soap everywhere, take Epsom salt baths 3-4 times a week, apply an Amish draw salve daily in the crack to keep clean and minimize pores.

That being said, while it hasn’t resurfaced, I know it’s still there. There’s almost always some level of discomfort, even of very mild. Exercise and salt baths seem to help, but on rest days it’s more obvious. Sitting for longer than 1.5 hours is when I really, really feel it.

I’m honestly afraid of so drastically changing the appearance of my behind that I end up wishing I’d just put up with this instead. I want to feel attractive. A scar I can tattoo over later on, but halving the length of my @ss… I don’t know.

Immerman is who I’ll be going to. I’ve looked at the before and afters on their site, but I still just don’t know.