GIPS complication?
Two different individuals had similar presentations that underwent a GIPS-like procedure. I could not find any threads mentioning anything like this.
Both individuals had pits in the midline with an area that was firm that was off midline and likely connected to the midline pits in some way. After the GIPS procedure, the wounds in the midline healed nicely but the secondary area would periodically become inflamed, break open and seem to discharge some sort of white toothpaste-type material (almost like a regular cyst). In one case, this secondary area completely healed, went back to smooth/skin color for 6 months and then randomly get inflamed, broke open and eject this white material again and repeated all over. This did not happen prior to the original GIPS procedure.
Leading hypotheses:
- There is small debris under the skin that the body is trying to wrap it in scar tissue and over time, tries to eject it.
- This is a non-pilonidial cyst that just happens to be nearby. The GIPS surgery damaged this cyst which lead it to being inflamed periodically.
What else could this be?