Burning hot take: MX got fucked up BADLY by his nerfs and is definetly not S tier anymore

MX had the whole ridiculous advantage of being able to outstamina and reach you incredibly quickly, but that's just straight up no more with his nerfs lol

Doesn't matter if a MX uses both of his abilities while chasing a survivor, if the survivor is competent MX will NOT reach him, or it'll take like 2 minutes

pretty much the >>>ONLY<<< moment where an MX can outstamina you is if the survivor straight up does not go into any other direction when you use charging demise and keeps going forward, which only happens if they're dumb as hell OR are in a hallway/corridor with nowhere to turn

MX can still get a lot of kills and wipe in certain maps but it's without doubt that a competent player can actually deal with him quite easily