Periodization for gen pop

I honesty wonder sometimes how important periodization is for Gen pop… I’m talking your moms and dads who are just looking to stay healthy.

We all know weight loss is a kitchen issue, so from a weight loss standpoint I think as long as you’re balancing your cardio and strength appropriately you’re doing your part there.

But from a performance standpoint, they aren’t looking to make bench press PRs or get to single digit body fat… just trying to stay strong and keep up with their kids.

In my mind, from the workout standpoint, as long as you’re covering plyometrics, compounds, isolations, rep ranges and varying planes of motions on a weekly/monthly basis, I don’t see why these long drawn on periodizations are necessary.

Before I get hate, I do train athletes who focus specifically on improving their sport, and in their case I will periodize.