Quick message for Paul. Hi.
I know you read here and I really just want to make sure you get this into your head, because it’s really ducking embarrassing for you every time you bring it up. And it is constant.
✨People in relationships can still watch a TikTok and call out shit behaviour ✨
They aren’t necessarily sat alone, they can be next to one another. Generally both looking at you going live and questioning just what the fuck you’re doing or what you’re trying to achieve. This is because it comes up in our feeds , whether we like it or not. This does not mean that there is an issue with a relationship. How do you even come to that conclusion? Your lack of understanding when it comes to relationships is disturbing given your age. It’s that of a teenager (😏).
We also aren’t using TikTok to meet people, so I guess our intentions are clearly very different to yours. And even you being in a relationship for a month or whatever it was, that didn’t keep you off TikTok. That wasn’t the reason your relationship ended. (Though I imagine the need to constantly message women didn’t help, and Sophie has mentioned that she never trusted your intentions back then with other women. Particularly the younger ones.)
So stop hyper-focusing on the fact that people in relationships comment on your behaviour. Doesn’t really matter whether someone is in a relationship or not, they’re calling you out because of your actions, not their lack of love.
Telling people to go spend time with their partners just highlights how lonely you are.