How many ultrasounds to expect with twin pregnancy?

Hey all, I’m very excited to be 13 weeks along with twins! I’m wondering, should the amount of ultrasound scans for twins be higher than with singletons? I got my first US last week and won’t get another until my 19 week level 2 anatomy in November. I’m still waiting on NIPT results to fully know whether we have di/di twins because the US last week was a bit inconclusive and they said on the report that they “appear to be” di/di (also my friend is a US tech and is not convinced from the photos I sent her that they are di/di). If they are NOT di/di, shouldn’t I be getting more frequent US starting at 16 weeks to look for TTTS? I’m thinking if the NIPT comes back same-sex then I am going to get a little pushy with my provider and basically “demand” a sooner scan than the November one. I don’t want to be annoying, but I do want to make sure I’m advocating for my babies.

Thanks for any input you all may have!