Take: The majority of the people of pakistan have started down the path to losing Islam.
As a 18 male in Karachi most people. Over 70-80 percent have begun their slow spiral into being non religous non of the people pray in the mosque. About 3-4x more people show up to jummah or in ramadan compared to a usual zuhr prayer.
Everyone is addicted to social media and a big portion of the youth is addicted to corn. Religiously the overall number of people i would consider good muslims are dwindling fast.
I went to a coaching centre for a demo last week and i was sitting in a room waiting for my indriver and a dude my age who i saw was vaping came up and asked if i wanted to vape too.
And its also a major fault of these extremists religious leaders. They live completely different lives than most people it seems sometimes and without quoting a hadis thats not sahih but a step down and act like it is sahih. No schools priotize good islamic knowledege. How many people have picked up a book of hadis or even have read one in the last month.
Let me know what you think.