Independent Thievery Quest bug?
I've completed the first quest given by the Grey Fox and have been waiting weeks for the messenger to arrive and give the next quest. Anyone know how I can fix this? Was really hoping to get the Grey Cowl.
The last quest log I got was " I've reached my goal. I have fenced over 700 gold worth of goods. When I'm in the cities, I'll have to keep an eye out for another messenger from the Gray Fox. He could call for me at any time. I should wait in the Imperial City if I want them to find me quickly"
I'm pretty sure the next quest is "Arrow of Extrication". Any console commands I can use to start this quest?
It has been stuck like this for a few in-game weeks. I just used the wait function for a whole week in the Imperial City and still nothing. Any advice?
EDIT: Found Amusei! After a bit more research I read that some people find him in the Summitmist manor in Skingrad aka the Murder Mansion. I walked in and he immediately found me