Lidl pitches 200 apartments over a grocery store on Fairfax County's Route 1 corridor

German discount grocer Lidl is proposing to redevelop a parcel on the Richmond Highway corridor in southeastern Fairfax County with upward of 200 apartments over a new supermarket.

Lidl quietly acquired 6211 N. Kings Highway, where North Kings converges with Route 1 in August 2021 for $8 million, according to public records. The triangular 1.94-acre site is currently home to a 12,487-square-foot Office Depot with surface parking constructed in 2000. It was formerly a Rite Aid...

The Lidl site is a sub-unit of the Penn Daw Community Business Center, and is designated for up to 30,000 square feet of retail. The grocer’s concept, crafted by Arlington’s KGD Architecture and Falls Church engineering firm Walter L. Phillips, calls for a nine-story multifamily building over 30,000 square feet of ground-floor retail, “primarily including a grocery store anchor.” The plan also calls for a public park space proximate to a planned BRT station.

This is a first for the grocer. It is advancing a similar project at 15931 Frederick Road in Rockville, 200 affordable apartments and 30,000 square feet of retail — but in two separate, adjacent buildings. In that case, it is partnering with Foundation Housing, an affordable housing developer. There is no indication in the comp plan application whether its Fairfax County project would be affordable, or what developer it might partner with... (paywall)