What’s a phrase that’s like a secret handshake for the ‘still hopeful but tired’ club?

I, along with many of you, have been struggling with what to do when it feels like our country is falling apart. I just got a new car, and I thought one small way to fight back would be to put a short, supportive message on it via a vinyl decal. Something subtle but meaningful—a little signal to others who might be feeling the same way about the new administration, like a “hey, I see you, and we’re in this together” kind of vibe. Closest example of what I’m thinking of in terms of the physical quote itself are the ‘tell your dog I said hi’ decals!

I’ve always loved this quote by Catherine Booth (one of the founders of the Salvation Army): “The waters are rising, but so am I. I’m not going under but over.” I thought about using the first part (“The waters are rising, but so am I”) because it gives undertones of a threat/promise, but I’m curious if anyone has other ideas.

Something that might make someone feel a little less alone when they see it.

Thanks in advance for your ideas