What's the best way to experience every ninja gaiden game ?

Hello there, i enjoy hack and slash games, I've played previously DMC 3, bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising, and i wanna give the ninja gaiden trilogy a shot since it'll get a fourth entry coming soon, but with the many versions of the games, and the remake for ninja gaiden 2 that came out a month ago, i wanted to ask : what's the best way to experience each game ? Let me know !

Hello there, i enjoy hack and slash games, I've played previously DMC 3, bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising, and i wanna give the ninja gaiden trilogy a shot since it'll get a fourth entry coming soon, but with the many versions of the games, and the remake for ninja gaiden 2 that came out a month ago, i wanted to ask : what's the best way to experience each game ? Let me know !