Suggest me a colorscheme...
I've just tried with this plugin sudoerwx/vim-ray-so-beautiful and I am captivated by this warm colorscheme.
Now can anyone suggest me a colorscheme like that?
I tried gruvbox-material but it is a little green-ish for my taste. Well of course I can just override the highlights but that is too much work.
Thank you everyone who participated in this post. I think I have made up my mind.
The colorscheme I've chosen is darkearth. Go check it out.
hmmm... I think it's close enough
Thanks to u/necr0rcen for the suggestion, and u/Melodic-Use779 as the author of the colorscheme plugin.
Just did some highlight overrides. I think I'm satisfied and darkearth has the palette I need.
If anyone's interested, this is my darkearth config