Shell Swapping isn't as east as one would think

I'm typing this down for people like me who thought/are thinking of shell swapping their DS. Even if you are experienced with this stuff, it can still be a pain in the arse.

What I'm trying to raise awareness of here is specifically the top display/speakers Flat cable. One would think "Duh, it's a flat cable, I have to be careful blah blah blah same old same old"

NOBODY and I say this heavily NO BO DY warns you enough about how picky that flat cable is with its seating. You can do everything perfectly and still have 1 less speaker/interlacing on the top screen, the precision is down to the tenth of millimeter, if that thing ain't seated correctly, you don't have a perfectly working DS. The more you try, the more you risk of damaging it. Mine is luckily (and visibly) unscathed still but I've been trying to seat it correctly for a day and a half now.

So yeah, beware of the flat cable if you want to make your DS shine.